Dr. med. dent. C. Djamchidi 25 Jahre Erfahrung


A beau­tiful smi­le crea­tes self-con­fi­dence and con­fi­dence. With gent­le and sta­te-of-the-art orth­odon­tic tre­at­ment methods, digi­tal X‑ray devices and always the latest com­pu­ter tech­no­lo­gy, but abo­ve all with a lot of heart for our pati­ents, we cor­rect tooth mis­a­lignments in pati­ents from the age of 5 to old age. Every pati­ent recei­ves ever­y­thing that is sen­si­ble and neces­sa­ry for him in opti­mal qua­li­ty. Find out below about our modern tre­at­ment opti­ons for child­ren and ado­le­s­cents, adults and pati­ents with TMJ pro­blems.

If you would like to find out more and recei­ve detail­ed advice, plea­se make an appoint­ment in our prac­ti­ce. This non-bin­ding initi­al con­sul­ta­ti­on is cover­ed by all health insu­rance com­pa­nies. You can reach us by pho­ne at (033 203) 869 10/11. You can see which appoint­ment is available for an initi­al con­sul­ta­ti­on in our online appoint­ment calen­dar. You can then book this online right away. If you fill out our call­back form, we will be hap­py to cont­act you to make an appoint­ment.

We look for­ward to you!

Your 123­braces-team

We are a team of two orth­odon­tists, spe­cia­list assistants and den­tal tech­ni­ci­ans. Both spe­cia­list den­tists tre­at accor­ding to the same con­cept. In addi­ti­on, we regu­lar­ly coor­di­na­te pen­ding ques­ti­ons. In this way, we gua­ran­tee that the dura­ti­on of tre­at­ment is not exten­ded even in the event of a sub­sti­tu­te. The pro­fes­sio­nal and social com­pe­tence of all employees is secu­red through con­ti­nuous trai­ning — both intern­al­ly and cen­tral­ly and cer­ti­fied by the Den­tal Association. 


Our team con­sists of expe­ri­en­ced spe­cia­list den­tists, excel­lent­ly trai­ned and fri­end­ly assistants and pati­ent recep­tio­nists. We would be hap­py to advi­se you in detail on all orth­odon­tic topics.


All cos­ts are cal­cu­la­ted trans­par­ent­ly and fair­ly for you. Tip 1: A non-bin­ding initi­al con­sul­ta­ti­on is cover­ed by all health insu­rance com­pa­nies. Tip 2: If cer­tain allo­wan­ces are excee­ded, orth­odon­tic tre­at­ment can be clai­med as an extra­or­di­na­ry bur­den in the inco­me tax return.


Our team works at the hig­hest level with the latest medi­cal tech­no­lo­gy and is also con­stant­ly recei­ving fur­ther trai­ning. Sta­te-of-the-art soft­ware helps us to pro­cess all infor­ma­ti­on elec­tro­ni­cal­ly and to explain the cour­se of tre­at­ment in a clear, easy-to-under­stand and trans­pa­rent manner.


Excel­lent dia­gno­stic docu­ments (pho­tos, x‑rays and impres­si­ons) are the basic requi­re­ments for suc­cessful orth­odon­tic plan­ning and therapy.


If you have sta­tu­to­ry health insu­rance, we will take care of the plan­ning appr­oval pro­cess for you. Pri­va­te­ly insu­red pati­ents sub­mit the tre­at­ment plan drawn up by us to their health insu­rance company. 


Prac­ti­ce hygie­ne and ste­ri­liza­ti­on are very important to us to pro­tect pati­ents and the prac­ti­ce team. All instru­ments are repro­ces­sed for each pati­ent. And of cour­se, in our orth­odon­tic prac­ti­ce, all sin­gle-use items are dis­po­sed of in an envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly and appro­pria­te man­ner after use.

Dr. med. dent. C. Djamchidi

August-Bebel-Platz 2
14532 Klein­mach­now

Tel.: +49 33203 86910 oder 86911
Fax: +49 33203 86909



Specialist dentist for orthodontics


Specialist dentist for orthodontics


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