Dental practice Bogenhausen 33 Jahre Erfahrung

Your dentist in Munich

Your smi­le moti­va­tes us. The Bogen­hau­sen Den­tal Prac­ti­ce is a den­tal prac­ti­ce in Munich-Bogen­hau­sen, equip­ped with the latest tech­no­lo­gy and with a uni­que feel-good atmosphere.

The medical team

Dr. Franz Xaver Wack

Dr. Denis Nova­ko­vic

Dr. Udo Winds­hei­mer

Our Philosophy

Our the­ra­py con­cept is based on the latest tech­no­lo­gy. Our phi­lo­so­phy of den­tal health and aes­the­tics should inspi­re you. We have crea­ted a rela­xed atmo­sphe­re for you. Enough space to ana­ly­ze and dis­cuss your den­tal wis­hes, worries and fears with you. Only when all of your ques­ti­ons have been cla­ri­fied do we begin treatment.

Calm treatment without time pressure 

We give you time! All of our atten­ti­on is yours. The first impres­si­on is decisi­ve — your first cont­act with us is ground­brea­king. In a beau­tiful ambi­ence, we offer you maxi­mum atten­ti­on, pro­fes­sio­nal dia­gno­stics, exten­si­ve advice and the latest tre­at­ment the­ra­pies at the hig­hest level. We would like to inspi­re you with our gent­le, long-las­ting and aes­the­tic den­tal care. Pro­phy­la­xis is given top priority. 

Specialization is the core of our practice philosophy 

Our team is at your dis­po­sal with expe­ri­en­ced spe­cia­lists, each of whom can con­cen­tra­te on their strengths. For very spe­cial tre­at­ment needs, we coope­ra­te with sel­ec­ted part­ner doc­tors who meet our com­pe­tence and our qua­li­ty stan­dards. We love pre­cis­i­on and per­fec­tion and the­r­e­fo­re want to inspi­re and win over health insu­rance pati­ents for high-qua­li­ty the­ra­py concepts. 

Stress-free treatment of anxiety patients 

Expe­ri­ence has shown that a rela­xed pha­se of get­ting to know each other with inten­si­ve preli­mi­na­ry dis­cus­sions resol­ves all exis­ting anxie­ty sta­tes. We work clo­se­ly with an anes­the­tist and can also offer you gene­ral anes­the­sia or twi­light sleep ses­si­ons. Trans­pa­rent pro­ces­ses, under­stan­da­ble infor­ma­ti­on, mutu­al trust and under­stan­ding are the basis for rela­xed tre­at­ment, often after the first session.

Contact us!

Your team at the Bogenhausen dental practice is looking forward to your visit!

Our main treatment areas

The many tre­at­ment focu­ses of our spe­cia­lists offer holi­stic, pro­fes­sio­nal den­tal tre­at­ment for healt­hy, beau­tiful tee­th — in just one practice.

Aesthetic dentistry




Oral health


Dentistry, Orthodontics, In-House Laboratory


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