Dr. Karl-Uwe Jülich 26 Jahre Erfahrung

«Den­ti­stry is a pas­si­on and a tra­di­ti­on in my fami­ly. Do you care about your tee­th? Then I will do ever­y­thing for your healt­hy and beau­tiful smile!»

Would you like to make an appoint­ment? In addi­ti­on to our core times, we are also hap­py to adapt to your appoint­ment calen­dar for exten­si­ve tre­at­ments. Infor­ma­ti­on on office hours and appoint­ments can be found on our web­site.

Dental prophylaxis

The aim of pro­phy­la­xis is to avo­id dama­ge or to iden­ti­fy minor dama­ge that has alre­a­dy occur­red at an ear­ly stage.

Pillars of prophylaxis

  • Annu­al check-up
  • Pro­fes­sio­nal tooth cleaning/PZR
  • Moti­va­ti­on and help for opti­mal den­tal care at home
  • Fluo­ri­da­ti­on
  • Fis­su­re sealing
  • Nut­ri­tio­nal advice
  • CHX rin­se

Aesthetic dentistry

Only white or pure sym­me­try often appear arti­fi­ci­al and bor­ing. The art is to crea­te an aes­the­tic arc of ten­si­on with the design para­me­ters. In addi­ti­on to shape, color and sur­face, the rela­ti­onships to lips and cheeks, but also to the enti­re facial ske­le­ton are of gre­at importance.

Inlays/partial crowns/tabletops or crowns are ide­al for lar­ger defects. What is best sui­ted is to be cla­ri­fied indi­vi­du­al­ly and from tooth to tooth after a tho­rough exami­na­ti­on in a per­so­nal conversation.


When we speak of den­tal pro­sthe­tics, we mean crowns, bridges, pro­s­the­ses or the tre­at­ment of implants. 

In order to be able to suc­cessful­ly inte­gra­te crowns and bridges accor­ding to the wis­hes of the pati­ent and medi­cal­ly, it is important to work on a good foun­da­ti­on. Roots that are firm­ly ancho­red in the bone and free of inflamm­a­ti­on are an important basis. Under cer­tain cir­cum­s­tances, a com­plex dia­gno­sis and pre-tre­at­ment is necessary.


In addi­ti­on to pro­fes­sio­nal tee­th clea­ning, implants are one of the most important inno­va­tions in den­ti­stry in the last 30 years. If a tooth is miss­ing, an implant is a real den­ture, becau­se the miss­ing tooth is repla­ced tog­e­ther with the root. With a bridge, only the tooth crown is repla­ced, the gap is more or less concealed.

But not every tooth has to be repla­ced by an implant. Some­ti­mes ano­ther form of den­tures is a good and accep­ta­ble solu­ti­on. Tog­e­ther we will work out the solu­ti­on that will bene­fit you the most.

Root canal treatment

A root canal tre­at­ment is often the last attempt to save a tooth and is the­r­e­fo­re extre­me­ly important. A well root-trea­ted tooth is at least equi­va­lent to an implant.

CMD — dysfunctions in the head area

When we sleep, we go through cycles of deepest rela­xa­ti­on, but also pha­ses of high ten­si­on (the so-cal­led REM pha­ses). Many peo­p­le grind their tee­th during the­se REM pha­ses, which is com­ple­te­ly normal. 

The dia­gno­sis of CMD as well as the the­ra­py are very com­plex. The gene­ral con­sen­sus is that the over­all func­tion of the cra­nio-man­di­bu­lar sys­tem can curr­ent­ly hard­ly be deter­mi­ned dia­gno­sti­cal­ly; In no case can a sin­gle exami­na­ti­on method pro­vi­de com­pre­hen­si­ve information.

With our scree­ning tests, with litt­le effort and good pre­dic­ta­bi­li­ty, we fil­ter the pati­ents who most likely need tre­at­ment in the den­tal field.


Peri­odon­ti­tis is a pre­ven­ta­ble infec­tious dise­a­se that should not be unde­re­sti­ma­ted. The chro­nic, most­ly pain­less inflamm­a­ti­on of the peri­odon­ti­um often deve­lo­ps unno­ti­ced over many years. Num­e­rous sci­en­ti­fic stu­dies have shown that peri­odon­ti­tis germs are asso­cia­ted with heart attacks, strokes, pneu­mo­nia, dia­be­tes mel­li­tus, rheu­ma­to­id arthri­tis and pregnan­cy complications.

Pro­fes­sio­nal tooth clea­ning and ins­truc­tions for indi­vi­du­al care — this is how you get inflamm­a­ti­on of your gums under con­trol and pre­vent tooth loss due to peri­odon­tal disease.


Fil­ling mate­ri­als last for dif­fe­rent lengths of time. The dura­bi­li­ty of fil­lings depends on the size of the defect, the mate­ri­al and the pro­ces­sing. Small to medi­um-sized tooth dama­ge can be well trea­ted with modern pla­s­tic fil­lings. Sin­ce we do not pro­cess amal­gam in our prac­ti­ce, we offer a simp­le amal­gam-free fil­ling alter­na­ti­ve for pati­ents who do not want to pay a co-payment.

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